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eidolon  Term Image (ειδωλον) Script Image
(Language:  Greek)
Alternate Spellings:
Short Description: image, idol, double, apparition, phantom, ghost
Long Description: image, idol, double, apparition, phantom, ghost; in Homer, there are three kinds of supernatural apparitions that are called by the term eidolon: 1) the phantom (phasma), created by a god in semblance of a living person, 2) the dream-image, regarded as a ghostly double that is sent by the gods in the image of a real being, 3) the psuche of the dead; the Homeric psuche is not a soul, but a phantom, a thin vapor that proves to be ungraspable; for Pythagoreans and Plato, psuche is no longer eidolon of the body, but the immortal soul that constitutes one’s real being; for Plotinus, the soul is the eidolon nou, a simulacrum of nous, an image that is already obscured; the conception of eidolon is partly related to the ancient Egyptian concept of ka.
Source(s): The Golden Chain: An Anthology of Platonic and Pythagorean Philosophy, by Dr. Algis Uždavinys
Notes & References:
Script Image
Related Terms:
Provided By: Dictionary of Spiritual Terms