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tariqah  Term Image (ṭarīqah (pl. ṭuruq) ; طريقه (pl. طرق)) Script Image
(Language:  Arabic)
Alternate Spellings: tariqa
Short Description: Literally, “path” in Arabic. In exoteric Islam, it is a virtual synonym for sharî‘ah, equivalent to the “straight path” mentioned in the Fatihah, the first verse of the Koran. However, in esoteric Islam, Sufism, the mystical path leading from observance of the Sharî‘ah to self-realization in God; also a Sufi brotherhood.
Long Description: Literally, “path” in Arabic. In exoteric Islam, it is a virtual synonym for sharî‘ah, equivalent to the “straight path” (mentioned in the Fatihah, the first verse of the Koran) that a believer must follow. However, in esoteric Islam, Sufism, tariqah refers to the mystical path which leads from the observance of the sharî‘ah to self-realization in God. In Sufism it also refers to a Sufi brotherhood.
Source(s): Prayer Fashions Man: Frithjof Schuon on the Spiritual Life
Notes & References:
Script Image
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Provided By: Dictionary of Spiritual Terms